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Pools SDK

Pools are shared objects that represent a market. See Query the Pool for more information on pools.

Pool functions

The DeepBookV3 SDK exposes functions that you can call to read the state of a pool. These functions typically require a managerKey, coinKey, poolKey, or a combination of these. For details on these keys, see DeepBookV3 SDK. The SDK includes some default keys that you can view in the constants.ts file.

::: tip Decimal adjust all input quantities. All outputs are decimal adjusted. :::


Use account to retrieve the account information for a BalanceManager in a pool, which has the following form:

epoch: '511',
open_orders: {
constants: [
taker_volume: 0,
maker_volume: 0,
active_stake: 0,
inactive_stake: 0,
created_proposal: false,
voted_proposal: null,
unclaimed_rebates: { base: 0, quote: 0, deep: 0 },
settled_balances: { base: 0, quote: 0, deep: 0 },
owed_balances: { base: 0, quote: 0, deep: 0 }


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • balanceManagerKey: key of the balance manager defined in the SDK.
async account(poolKey: string, managerKey: string) {}


Use accountOpenOrders to retrieve open orders for the balance manager and pool with the IDs you provide. The call returns a Promise that contains an array of open order IDs.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • managerKey: String that identifies the balance manager to query.
async accountOpenOrders(poolKey: string, managerKey: string) {}


Use checkManagerBalance to check the balance manager for a specific coin. The call returns a Promise in the form:

coinType: string,
balance: number


  • managerKey: String that identifies the balance manager to query.
  • coinKey: String that identifies the coin to query the balance of.
async checkManagerBalance(managerKey: string, coinKey: string) {}


Use getOrder to retrieve an order's information. The call returns a Promise in the Order struct, which has the following form:

balance_manager_id: {
bytes: '0x6149bfe6808f0d6a9db1c766552b7ae1df477f5885493436214ed4228e842393'
order_id: '9223372036873222552073709551614',
client_order_id: '888',
quantity: '50000000',
filled_quantity: '0',
fee_is_deep: true,
order_deep_price: { asset_is_base: false, deep_per_asset: '0' },
epoch: '440',
status: 0,
expire_timestamp: '1844674407370955161'


poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query. orderId: ID of the order to query.

async getOrder(poolKey: string, orderId: string) {}


Use getQuoteQuantityOut to retrieve the quote quantity out for the base quantity you provide. The call returns a Promise in the form:

baseQuantity: number,
baseOut: number,
quoteOut: number,
deepRequired: number

where deepRequired is the amount of DEEP required for the dry run.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • baseQuantity: Number that defines the base quantity you want to convert.
async getQuoteQuantityOut(poolKey: string, baseQuantity: number) {}


Use getBaseQuantityOut to retrieve the base quantity out for the quote quantity that you provide. The call returns a Promise in the form:

quoteQuantity: number,
baseOut: number,
quoteOut: number,
deepRequired: number

where deepRequired is the amount of DEEP required for the dry run.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • quoteQuantity: Number that defines the quote quantity you want to convert.
async getBaseQuantityOut(poolKey: string, quoteQuantity: number) {}


Use getQuantityOut to retrieve the output quantities for the base or quote quantity you provide. You provide values for both quantities, but only one of them can be non-zero. The call returns a Promise with the form:

baseQuantity: number,
quoteQuantity: number,
baseOut: number,
quoteOut: number,
deepRequired: number

where deepRequired is the amount of DEEP required for the dry run.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • baseQuantity: Number that defines the base quantity you want to convert. Set to 0 if using quote quantity.
  • quoteQuantity: Number that defines the quote quantity you want to convert. Set to 0 if using base quantity.
async getQuantityOut(poolKey: string, baseQuantity: number, quoteQuantity: number) {}


Use getLevel2Range to retrieve level 2 order book within the boundary price range you provide. The call returns a Promise in the form:

prices: Array<number>,
quantities: Array<number>


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • priceLow: Number for lower bound of price range.
  • priceHigh: Number for upper bound of price range.
  • isBid: Boolean when set to true gets bid orders, else retrieve ask orders.
async getLevel2Range(poolKey: string, priceLow: number, priceHigh: number, isBid: boolean) {}


Use getLevel2TicksFromMid to retrieve level 2 order book ticks from mid-price for a pool with the ID you provide. The call returns a Promise in the form:

bid_prices: Array<number>,
bid_quantities: Array<number>,
ask_prices: Array<number>,
ask_quantities: Array<number>


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
  • ticks: Number of ticks from mid-price.
async getLevel2TicksFromMid(poolKey: string, ticks: number) {}


Use lockedBalance to retrieve a BalanceManager locked balance in the pool. The call returns a Promise in the Order struct, which has the following form:

base: 5.5,
quote: 2,
deep: 0.15,


poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query. balanceManagerKey: key of the balance manager defined in the SDK.

async lockedBalance(poolKey: string, balanceManagerKey: string) {}


Use poolTradeParams to retrieve the trade params for the pool, which has the following form:

takerFee: 0.001,
makerFee: 0.0005,
stakeRequired: 100,


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
async poolTradeParams(poolKey: string) {}


Use vaultBalances to get the vault balances for a pool with the ID you provide. The call returns a Promise in the form:

base: number,
quote: number,
deep: number


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
async vaultBalances(poolKey: string) {}


Use getPoolIdByAssets to retrieve the pool ID for the asset types you provide. The call returns a Promise with the address of the pool if it's found.


  • baseType: String of the type of base asset.
  • quoteType: String of the type of quote asset.
async getPoolIdByAssets(baseType: string, quoteType: string) {}


Use midPrice to retrieve the mid price for a pool with the ID that you provide. The call returns a Promise with the mid price.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
async midPrice(poolKey: string) {}


Use whitelisted to check if the pool with the ID you provide is whitelisted. The call returns a Promise as a boolean indicating whether the pool is whitelisted.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool to query.
async whitelisted(poolKey: string) {}