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DeepBook Orders


This documentation is for version 3 of DeepBook. For documentation on version 2 of DeepBook, see DeepBookV2 docs.

Users can create limit or market orders, modify orders, and cancel orders. The BalanceManager must have the necessary funds to process orders. DeepBook has four order options and three self matching options. Initially, all trading fees are paid with the DEEP token. Consequently, if you set the pay_with_deep flag to false, orders automatically fail until the following upgrade.

Users can modify their existing order, reducing the size, lowering the expiration time, or both. Users cannot modify their order to increase their size or increase their expiration time. To do that, they must cancel the original order and place a new order.

Users can cancel a single order or cancel all of their orders.


Following are the order related endpoints that Pool exposes.

Order options

The following constants define the options available for orders.

// Restrictions on limit orders.
// No restriction on the order.
const NO_RESTRICTION: u8 = 0;
// Mandates that whatever amount of an order that can be executed in the
// current transaction, be filled and then the rest of the order canceled.
const IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL: u8 = 1;
// Mandates that the entire order size be filled in the current transaction.
// Otherwise, the order is canceled.
const FILL_OR_KILL: u8 = 2;
// Mandates that the entire order be passive. Otherwise, cancel the order.
const POST_ONLY: u8 = 3;

Self-matching options

The following constants define the options available for self-matching orders.

// Self matching types.
// Self matching is allowed.
// Cancel the taker order.
const CANCEL_TAKER: u8 = 1;
// Cancel the maker order.
const CANCEL_MAKER: u8 = 2;

OrderInfo struct

Placing a limit order or a market order creates and returns an OrderInfo object. DeepBook automatically drops this object after the order completes or is placed in the book. Use OrderInfo to inspect the execution details of the request as it represents all order information. DeepBook does not catch any errors, so if there’s a failure of any kind, then the entire transaction fails.

public struct OrderInfo has store, drop {
// ID of the pool
pool_id: ID,
// ID of the order within the pool
order_id: u128,
// ID of the account the order uses
balance_manager_id: ID,
// ID of the order defined by client
client_order_id: u64,
// Trader of the order
trader: address,
order_type: u8,
// Self matching option,
self_matching_option: u8,
// Price, only used for limit orders
price: u64,
// Whether the order is a buy or a sell
is_bid: bool,
// Quantity (in base asset terms) when the order is placed
original_quantity: u64,
// Deep conversion used by the order
order_deep_price: OrderDeepPrice,
// Expiration timestamp in ms
expire_timestamp: u64,
// Quantity executed so far
executed_quantity: u64,
// Cumulative quote quantity executed so far
cumulative_quote_quantity: u64,
// Any partial fills
fills: vector<Fill>,
// Whether the fee is in DEEP terms
fee_is_deep: bool,
// Fees paid so far in base/quote/DEEP terms
paid_fees: u64,
epoch: u64,
// Status of the order
status: u8,
// Is a market_order
market_order: bool,

OrderDeepPrice struct

The OrderDeepPrice struct represents the conversion rate of DEEP at the time the order was placed.

public struct OrderDeepPrice has copy, store, drop {
asset_is_base: bool,
deep_per_asset: u64,

Fill struct

The Fill struct represents the results of a match between two orders. Use this struct to update the state.

public struct Fill has store, drop, copy {
// ID of the maker order
maker_order_id: u128,
// account_id of the maker order
balance_manager_id: ID,
// Whether the maker order is expired
expired: bool,
// Whether the maker order is fully filled
completed: bool,
// Quantity filled
base_quantity: u64,
// Quantity of quote currency filled
quote_quantity: u64,
// Whether the taker is bid
taker_is_bid: bool,
// Maker epoch
maker_epoch: u64,
// Maker deep price
maker_deep_price: OrderDeepPrice,


DeepBook emits OrderFilled when a maker order is filled.

public struct OrderFilled has copy, store, drop {
pool_id: ID,
maker_order_id: u128,
taker_order_id: u128,
maker_client_order_id: u64,
taker_client_order_id: u64,
price: u64,
taker_is_bid: bool,
base_quantity: u64,
quote_quantity: u64,
maker_balance_manager_id: ID,
taker_balance_manager_id: ID,
timestamp: u64,

DeepBook emits OrderCanceled when a maker order is canceled.

public struct OrderCanceled<phantom BaseAsset, phantom QuoteAsset> has copy, store, drop {
pool_id: ID,
order_id: u128,
client_order_id: u64,
price: u64,
is_bid: bool,
base_asset_quantity_canceled: u64,
timestamp: u64,

DeepBook emits OrderModified on modification of a maker order.

public struct OrderModified<phantom BaseAsset, phantom QuoteAsset> has copy, store, drop {
pool_id: ID,
order_id: u128,
client_order_id: u64,
price: u64,
is_bid: bool,
new_quantity: u64,
timestamp: u64,

DeepBook emits OrderPlaced when it injects a maker order into the order book.

public struct OrderPlaced has copy, store, drop {
balance_manager_id: ID,
pool_id: ID,
order_id: u128,
client_order_id: u64,
trader: address,
price: u64,
is_bid: bool,
placed_quantity: u64,
expire_timestamp: u64,

Place limit order

Place a limit order. Quantity is in base asset terms. For current version pay_with_deep must be true, so the fee is paid with DEEP tokens.

You must combine a BalanceManager call of generating a TradeProof before placing orders.

public fun place_limit_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
self: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_proof: &TradeProof,
client_order_id: u64,
order_type: u8,
self_matching_option: u8,
price: u64,
quantity: u64,
is_bid: bool,
pay_with_deep: bool,
expire_timestamp: u64,
clock: &Clock,
ctx: &TxContext,
): OrderInfo

Place market order

Place a market order. Quantity is in base asset terms. Calls place_limit_order with a price of MAX_PRICE for bids and MIN_PRICE for asks. DeepBook cancels the order for any quantity not filled.

public fun place_market_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
self: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_proof: &TradeProof,
client_order_id: u64,
self_matching_option: u8,
quantity: u64,
is_bid: bool,
pay_with_deep: bool,
clock: &Clock,
ctx: &TxContext,
): OrderInfo

Modify order

Modifies an order given order_id and new_quantity. New quantity must be less than the original quantity and more than the filled quantity. Order must not have already expired.

The modify_order function does not return anything. If the transaction is successful, then assume the modification was successful.

public fun modify_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
self: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_proof: &TradeProof,
order_id: u128,
new_quantity: u64,
clock: &Clock,
ctx: &TxContext,

Cancel order

Cancel an order. The order must be owned by the balance_manager. The order is removed from the book and the balance_manager open orders. The balance_manager balance is updated with the order's remaining quantity.

Similar to modify, cancel_order does not return anything. DeepBook emits OrderCanceled event.

public fun cancel_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
self: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_proof: &TradeProof,
order_id: u128,
clock: &Clock,
ctx: &TxContext,

Withdraw settled amounts

Withdraw settled amounts to the balance_manager. All orders automatically withdraw settled amounts. This can be called explicitly to withdraw all settled funds from the pool.

public fun withdraw_settled_amounts<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
self: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_proof: &TradeProof,